Kentish Gazette, Canterbury, Kent, 19 Feb 1811
"All Persons having any demands, or owing any monies, on Morgages [sic], Bonds, Notes, or otherwise, to Mr. John Wood, late of Sandwich, deceased, are requested to send in their accounts, and pay the same to Mr. Sackett Wood, of Hart's Town, near Margate, within six months from the date hereof."
"To be Sold by Auction
By Mr. Robt. Famaris,
The Household Furniture of the late Mr. John Wood, on Wednesday the 27th inst.
The goods may be viewed on the day preceding the sale.
Also to be sold by Private Contract, the Freehold Dwelling House, in good repair, with stable and gardens, situate in the parish of St. Mary's, Sandwich.
The Land-Tax redeemed.
For further particulars inquire as above.
The house and premises to be seen on application to the housekeepers.