CONSTITUTION (as amended 31 March 2008)


This association of individuals shall be called The Sackett Family Association. The Association may also be referred to by the initials TSFA.


2.1 The objectives of the Association are:
a) To research all historical and genealogical records worldwide relating to the Sackett family and their descendants.
b) To publish and otherwise share research findings amongst the membership.
c) To preserve Sackett data for posterity.

2.2 In furtherance of the above objectives the Association shall:
a) Provide a forum for individuals engaged in Sackett research. In particular the Association shall maintain a Sackett Family web site and an e-mail Discussion List.
b) Maintain and publish a Register of Members.


3.1 Membership shall be open to any individual who:
(a) has a declared interest in the history and genealogy of the Sackett family; and
(b) undertakes to share research findings with other Association members; and
(c) has paid a subscription if any.

3.2 Admission to or removal from membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee of the Association.

3.3 Inclusion in the Register of Members shall be evidence of membership.

3.4 The amount of subscriptions if any shall be determined by the Committee and may be levied to meet general or specific expenses. The Association shall be non-profit making.


4.1 The actions of the Association shall be governed by this Constitution and by Resolution of the Association decided in accordance with Section 7 of this Constitution.

4.2 All members will have equal status and a single vote in Association affairs.

4.3 The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee of the Association consisting of up to twelve Association members, including a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar.

4.4 The Committee may appoint individual members of the Association as Post Holders to deal with defined tasks, reporting to the Committee on an agreed basis.

4.5 The Committee shall have power to form sub-committees with such delegated powers as it deems fit.


5.1 Elections of Committee members shall be held annually by private e-mail ballot by simple majority vote of the membership. Election to the Committee shall be for three-year terms designated by the year of retirement (e.g., Class of 2011). Each year one class retires and a new class is elected. If a vacancy occurs in a class, the vacant position in that class will be filled in the next annual election.

5.2 All members shall be eligible for election to the Committee save that sitting Committee members shall not be eligible if election would result in continuous service of more than six years.

5.3 Nominations for election to the Committee shall be dealt with by a Nominating Committee established as a standing sub-committee with a membership appointed by the Committee. The Nominating Committee shall in the first week of March of each year invite nominations from the membership for candidates for election, the closure date for such nominations to be 31 March.

5.4 The Committee shall in the first week of April of each year invite votes from the membership for nominated candidates, the closure date for voting to be 30 April.

5.5 The Committee shall publish the results of Committee elections during the first week of May each year. The new Committee shall, as soon as is practicable thereafter, elect from amongst its own members the officers of the Committee comprising the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar.

5.6 Communications of nominations and of votes shall be via e-mail to an address designated by the Committee.

5.7 Members of the Committee shall hold office until they resign their office or retire by rotation or are requested to resign by all the other Committee members acting together.


6.1 Meetings of the Committee shall be deemed to be validly held by communication by e-mail amongst themselves, subject to reasonable notice where decisions are required.

6.2 Meetings of the Membership shall be deemed to be validly held by communication by e-mail posted to the Sackett Discussion List, subject to reasonable notice where decisions are required.


7.1 A Resolution for action by the Association may be put:
(a) by the Committee; or
(b) by any member in writing to the Committee such proposed Resolution to have the support of at least ten members or one third of the membership whichever is the less.

7.2 Resolutions shall be put to the membership by the Committee and shall be decided by simple majority save that a Resolution to amend this Constitution shall require the approval of two-thirds of the members voting.